Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dancing Queen

First of all I have no idea who that crazy lady is that keeps yelling for Ava. She lost her mind when my child came out and was the only one who started dancing. Ava was so good. She went right to her spot and began to dance. She is just like her daddy -- a rule follower. To fast forward and see ava she comes out at 1:00 minutes and then again at 3:19 minutes.

The first year of dancing has FINALLY come to an end. Ava's dance recital was Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. The dance companies in this area all have more than one show so that all family might attend. Ava's Dot and Da'Lin came to spend the weekend and see the show on Sunday and Papaw Lester and Papaw Pete came for the Sunday afternoon performance. Eventhough the plan was to not cook we ended up firing up the grill 2 times in 3 days. YUM!

On Friday Dot and Da'lin arrived and picked up Ava at daycare then made their way on to the house. We grilled and visited around the kitchen table and cooked. (steak, corn, potatoes, catfish, hushpuppies, beans) On Sunday the two papaws and dot sat in the back yard and cooked (steak, shrimp, potatoes, sausage with mustard) and visited in the yard. The weather was wonderful.

I really enjoy spending time with my family and I know that Ava and Daddy do too. We love when ya'll come and hope to see you all soon.

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